Design Bulletins

Updated on August 10, 2020
Safety Edge

2011-04. September 23, 2011. This design bulletin replaces the typical sections in the CDOT Roadway Design Guide with typical sections that show the pavement being constructed with a sloped safety edge as described in the new standard special provision, Revision of Sections 401 and 412, Safety Edge.

Assigning Pavement Smoothness Categories

2011-3. February 18, 2011. (Revised on January 12, 2017). This design bulletin provides guidance to designers for assigning pavement smoothness categories for hot mix asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavements.

Protection of Migratory Birds

2011-2. February 03, 2011. This Design bulletin adds Section 2.27 to the Project Development Manual. Section 2.27 provides guidelines and strategies during project development to ensure that appropriate and reasonable measures are included in the Contract to prevent the taking of migratory birds and to avoid civil and criminal penalties associated with non-compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).

Permissible Activities during the NEPA Process

2011-1. February 01, 2011. (Revised on December 22, 2011). This bulletin revises Section 2.01 of the Project Development Manual to provide guidance to CDOT personnel on what activities may be advanced during the NEPA process in conformance with the order.

Combined Bridge Enterprise and CDOT Funded Projects

2010-8. October 21, 2010. This design bulletin assist the regions with designing and constructing projects while meeting the needs of the business office when handling co-funded Bridge Enterprise-CDOT projects.

Non-Compliant Contract Provisions

2010-3 . March 8, 2010. Provides information and instructions regarding non-compliant contract provisions that have been included on several federally funded Local Agency projects.

Local Agency Project Specification Review & Approval Process

2010-2. March 8, 2010. The CDOT Standards and Specifications Unit (SSU) will support the Regions by reviewing the project specification submittal packages for Local Agency administered projects as it currently does for CDOT administered projects.

Project Special Provisions

2009-5. June 18, 2009. Remind designers and other special provision writers of CDOT’s policies regarding use of new or revised project special provisions on CDOT construction projects.