Military Access, Mobility & Safety Improvement Project

Travel Advisory

March 11, 2022 - Southeastern Colorado - Nighttime north- and southbound lane closures on I-25

COLORADO SPRINGS — Colorado Department of Transportation and SEMA Construction are continuing to work on I-25 between South Academy and Santa Fe Avenue (Mile Point 135-127). Current work includes the widening of the Clover and Dry Wash Bridges, constructing the substructure for the I-25 bridges over South Academy and hauling dirt and building up the embankment for the I-25 roadway.

There will be alternating left and right lane closures on northbound and southbound I-25 Sunday and Monday night so crews can install advance warning signs, move crane from Dry Wash Bridge to South Academy Boulevard and perform maintenance work on the I-25 roadway. There will also be a right lane closure on northbound I-25 on Wednesday and Thursday nights to remove striping. Commuters will encounter these closures between MP 127 and 135.

There will be right shoulder closures on northbound I-25, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during daytime hours, so crews can perform survey work in the area. Also, during the evening hours from Wednesday, March 16 through Thursday, March 17, travelers can expect to see increased truck traffic at night as crews will be hauling embankment at night into the median. No lane closures are needed for the embankment haul.

On the bridges over South Academy crews will be driving pile on the north abutment and drilling caissons in the median of South Academy and beginning work on the permanent retaining wall, for the structure.

Commuters will see increased construction at the Dry Wash and Clover Ditch bridges as crews begin the forming and pouring of concrete for the new footers and piers. With the variable nature of the lane closures on I-25, please eliminate your distractions and drive the posted speed limit so you and your passengers arrive safely to your destination.

Flagging operations will continue on Charter Oak Ranch Road with intermittent shoulder closures Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., this will allow crews to safely continue their work on the drainage system and dirt work. Nighttime flagging operations will take place Wednesday, March 16, to allow trucks to move safely around the job site. Please use extra caution when driving through the work zone.

Construction schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change.

Motorists are encouraged to register for text alerts by Texting MAMSIP to 888-970-9665

A Courtesy Patrol will be driving the work zone and will respond to incidents when notified. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and holidays.

Travel Impacts

I-25 between South Academy Boulevard and Santa Fe Avenue (MP 135 – 127)

  • Sunday, Mar. 13, 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., alternating left and right lane closures northbound I-25 at MP 127-135, to allow crews to install advance warning signs.
  • Sunday, Mar. 13, 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., alternating left and right lane closures southbound I-25 at MP 127-135, to allow crews to install advance warning signs.
  • Monday, Mar. 14, 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., alternating left and right lane closures northbound I-25 at MP 127-135, to allow crews to install advance warning signs.
  • Monday, Mar. 14, 7 p.m. to 6 a.m., alternating left and right lane closures southbound I-25 at MP 127-135, to allow crews to install advance warning signs.
  • Wednesday, Mar. 16 through Thursday, Mar. 17, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., right shoulder closures northbound I-25 at MP 127-135, to allow crews to remove striping.
  • Speed limit reduction to 55 MPH during night construction hours and emergency daytime work. Speed reduction will be enforced by State Patrol.
  • Eleven-foot lane width restrictions

Santa Fe Avenue and Charter Oak Ranch Road

  • Nighttime flagging operations Wednesday, Mar. 16, 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., to allow trucks access to and from the job site.
  • Flagging operations with intermittent shoulder closures Monday, Mar. 14 through Friday, Mar. 18, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. so crews can work on the drainage and dirt work.

Project Overview

Interstate-25 – Safety and efficiency improvements

  • The improvements to I-25 addressed in this project are located along an approximately 7.5-mile segment of the corridor beginning at South Academy Boulevard and extending to the Santa Fe Avenue (CO 85/87) exit at Fountain (MP 128), which exits to Gate 19 of Fort Carson.
  • Replacement of two bridges crossing over South Academy Boulevard;
  • Widening of both inside and outside shoulders and installing safety improvements; 
  • Concrete surface treatment overlay to provide an improved riding surface for this 7.5-mile segment;
  • Installation of median barrier the entire length of this corridor; 
  • Rehab and widening work on four bridges along the corridor, and 
  • Installation of I-25 Southbound deceleration lane at the interchange with Colorado Highway 16.

Safety Benefits

The safety enhancements relate to the potential to reduce crashes, improve infrastructure, and address physical deficiencies that contribute to crashes in the corridor. CDOT conducted a safety assessment for the corridor to evaluate the magnitude and nature of safety problems and analyze the causes of crashes.

The proposed transportation improvements are mitigation measures to reduce crashes and improve safety in the corridor. It is estimated that the delivery of the MAMSIP project will, over its’ twenty years of operation, result in fewer deaths, injuries, and crashes on the four corridors the project addresses.


Project Information

For additional information about this project:

Know Before You Go

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

  • Road conditions and travel information:
  • Download the COtrip Planner app:
  • Sign up for project or travel alerts:
  • See scheduled construction lane closures:
  • Connect with @ColoradoDOT on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone

The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.

  • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
  • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
  • Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
  • Don't change lanes unnecessarily.
  • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
  • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
  • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
  • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
  • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
  • Be patient!