Project Documents & Reports

Documents and reports from the I-25 Central PEL mentioned below are available upon request by emailing the study team at [email protected]. This includes meeting materials from our Stakeholder focus group, public meetings, or other public involvement activities listed on the Public Involvement page.

PEL Study Report | April 2020

  • PEL Study Report
  • Attachment A: Existing Conditions Assessment Report
  • Attachment B: Alternatives Evaluation Technical Report
  • Attachment C: Traffic & Safety Technical Report
  • Attachment D: Agency & Public Coordination Summary
  • Attachment E: Federal Highway Administration PEL Questionnaire
  • Attachment F: Project Cost Estimate Assumptions

Existing Conditions Assessment | April 2019

This report is the first part of the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) process, presenting the existing conditions along the I-25 Central corridor. This summary will guide the development of subsequent parts of the PEL process and provide the basis for the development of the purpose and need.

  • Existing Conditions Assessment (Report)
  • Existing Conditions Assessment (Appendices) - Part 1
  • Existing Conditions Assessment (Appendices) - Part 2