Public Involvement

Traffic on I-25

"Understanding the perspectives and needs of stakeholders in the study area is crucial to the development of optimal and broadly-supported solutions."

Engagement Overview

CDOT engaged a broad range of stakeholders for the I-25 Central PEL Study, including local jurisdictions, regional partners, sports venues, bike and pedestrian groups, public agencies, neighborhood groups, the freight industry, and the public. A public meeting was held on June 9, 2019, and stakeholder meetings were conducted throughout 2018 and 2019. The Study priority was to use input from stakeholders to develop improvement alternatives that meet the interests of the corridor's users and neighbors. Any copies of the documents mentioned below are available by emailing the project team at [email protected].

Open House | June 6, 2019

An Open House was held on June 6, 2019, to provide community members with information on the PEL. Materials from that meeting are available at the following links:

Open House Meeting Materials are available by emailing the project team at [email protected].

  • Meeting Summary
  • Exhibits
  • Handout

Stakeholder Focus Group

The Stakeholder Focus Group, or SFG, is one of the Study’s key platforms to engage with the communities along with I-25 Central corridor -- to provide community members with information on the PEL and to get information from them. The SFG consists of community members, experts, and advocates.

Input from the SFG was included in the overall project documentation and was a key consideration for decision-making by the project team. The primary responsibilities of the SFG were to provide input on the project development process, raise important community and project-related issues, and assist with the creation and analysis of project alternatives.

The SFG served as a platform for:

  1. understanding all stakeholders’ uses of the corridor
  2. providing all stakeholders the same information on the PEL study
  3. obtaining stakeholders’ feedback on the PEL study
  4. seeking to develop mutual gains and opportunities among various stakeholders

SFG members reached out to key constituents and were a local resource for sharing planning-and-project-information with others in the community.

SFG Activities

  • June 2018 - SFG members were invited to participate
  • July 2018 - SFG Meeting 1
  • July to November 2018 -SFG members engaged with their communities
  • December 2018 - SFG Meeting 2
  • April 2019 - SFG Meeting 3
  • November 2019 - Meeting 4

SFG Meeting Documents & Materials

SFG Meeting 1 Materials

  • Meeting 1 Notes
  • Meeting 1 Agenda
  • Meeting 1 Sign In Sheet
  • Meeting 1 Presentation

SFG Meeting 2 Materials

  • Meeting 2 Presentation
  • Meeting 2 Agenda
  • Meeting 2 Summary of Determinations Packet
  • Meeting 2 Draft Level 1 Evaluation Matrix
  • Meeting 2 Summary
  • Meeting 2 Sign-in Sheet

SFG Meeting 3 Materials

  • Meeting 3 Notes
  • Meeting 3 Sign In Sheet
  • Meeting 3 Presentation

SFG Meeting 4 Materials

  • Meeting 4 Notes
  • Meeting 4 Agenda
  • Meeting 4 Presentation
  • Alternative Overview
  • SFG Members List