CPS Ambassador PR Toolkit

Thank you for your support of Car Seats Colorado's Child Passenger Safety (CPS) efforts. Use the resources provided here to promote CPS events and share other Car Seats Colorado news in your community.

Tips for Promoting Car Seats Colorado

Communication Materials

Download social media calendar with post copy and graphics here. 

Recommended Social Messaging

If you're expecting, there's a lot to plan for. Make sure a new car seat is at the top of the list. Visit CarSeatsColorado.com for car seat safety resources, recommendations and tips for parents. You can never be TOO ready.


Recommended Social Messaging

For some, buying a new car seat can be pricey. But all car seats must meet the same government safety standards—even inexpensive models. Visit CarSeatsColorado.com for more information and to see how used car seats can pose a serious safety risk.

Keep Them Safe Every Day

Recommended Social Messaging

They grow up so fast. Make sure you're keeping them safe for the whole journey. Are you using the right car seat or booster? Visit CarSeatsColorado.com to find out.

  • Post toolkit and campaign assets on social channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Include campaign information in your organization's e-newsletters or other appropriate communications to constituents/members, staff and volunteers.
  • Post on your organization’s website or blog.
  • Use toolkit templates to send media alerts or news releases to your local newspaper, radio and television station contacts.
  • Send PSA to local radio stations and ask them to air it.
  • Ask your local radio station, movie theater or newspaper to run any campaign ads provided by Car Seats Colorado.
  • Ask local schools to put information in folders sent home to parents.
  • Work with local schools and colleges to determine what outlets they have for sharing information – bathroom stall poster inserts, community bulletins, etc.
  • Contact local libraries and recreation/community centers and request they share on community boards, bulletins and/or social media pages.
  • Post posters provided by Car Seats Colorado at local businesses with community bulletins.
  • Ask area police how they might assist you in child passenger safety promotion to encourage positive behavior (and notify the media about any new efforts).
  • Post on your local Nextdoor neighborhood pages, registered neighborhood organization newsletters and websites, and city council/county commission newsletters or web pages.

Interested in becoming an ambassador, or know a fellow certified car seat technician who is?