Alternative Delivery Program (Design-Build and CM/GC)
Manuals & Trainings
- Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) January 2015
- CM/GC Manual Appendix January 2015
- CDOT Innovative Contracting Guidelines Revised January 2015
- 2016 CDOT Design-Build Manual September 2016
Standard & Project Special Provisions
- Value Engineering website
- CDOT Innovative Contracting Provisions
- Alternative Delivery Bulletins
- An Introduction to the Construction Management/General Contractor Delivery Method (May 18, 2012)
- Project Delivery Selection Matrix. How does CDOT decide? (May 18, 2012)
- Construction Manager/General Contractor Delivery Method (Nov. 2, 2012)
- ICAC - Innovative Contracting Advisory Committee (Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and other Information)
- Envirornmental Subcommittee (Includes the OMPD Best Practices manual)
- Highway and Bridge Construction Bidding
- Project Delivery Selection Matrix
- Owner-Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP)
- Introducing and Piloting Streamlined Design-Build (SDB) at CDOT
Best Practices/Lessons Learned
Design-Build |
Active Alternative Delivery Projects - Project Websites
Region 1 - Metro Denver, Eastern-Central Colorado, and along I-70 up to the Eisenhower Tunnel
- C-470 Express Lanes (Design-Build) (In Construction phase, Flatiron)
- I-25 South Gap (CM/GC) (In Pre-Construction phase, Kraemer)
Region 4 - Northeast Colorado
- US 34 Big Thompson Canyon (CM/GC)(In Construction phase, Kiewit) - Make repairs caused by flooding.
- North I-25 Express Lanes: Johnstown to Fort Collins (Design-Build)(In Pre-Construction phase, Kraemer/IHC) - Add express lanes in both directions.
Region 5 - Southwest Colorado
- US 550/US 160 Connection (Design-Build)(In Procurement phase)
Completed Alternative Delivery Project Websites
Region 1 - Metro Denver, Eastern-Central Colorado, and along I-70 up to the Eisenhower Tunnel
- I-25 and Arapahoe Road Bridge Replacement (CM/GC)(Project completed, Kraemer)
- I-70 Peak Period Shoulder Lane Project (CM/GC) (Project completed, URS/Lawrence)
- Eisenhower/Johnson Tunnels Fixed Fire Suppression System (Design-Build) (Project completed, Barnard Construction)
- I-70 Twin Tunnels (CM/GC Delivery) - (Project completed, Kraemer and Obayashi JV)
- 1-70 Over Havana St. Design-Build Project (Design-Build) (Project completed)
- US 36 Express Lanes Project (Design-Build) (Project completed)
- US 6 Over Garrison Street (Streamlined Design-Build) (Project completed, Hamon Infrastructure selected as contractor)
- US 6 Bridge Replacements, Knox Court to just east of I-25 (Design-Build) (Project completed, FHU and Kraemer)
- Pecos Street over I-70 Bridge Replacement (CM/GC) (Project completed)
- US 85 (Santa Fe) over Dad Clark Gulch (Streamlined Design-Build) (Project completed)
Region 2 - Southeast Colorado
- I-25 North Design Build (Project completed, Kiewit)
- CO 266 & CO 71 Bridge Replacement North of Rocky Ford (CM/GC) (Project completed)
- I-25/Cimarron interchange in Colorado Springs (Design-Build) (Project completed, Kraemer and TSH)
Region 3 - Northwest Colorado
- I-70 Bridge Replacement in Dotsero (CM/GC) (Project completed)
- Grand Ave. Bridge in Glenwood Springs (CM/GC) (Project completed, Granite and RL Wadsworth)
- CO 92 Stengel's Hill, MP 13.8 to 15.5 - Bridge over railroad and roadway re-alignment.(Streamlined Design-Build)(Project completed, Wilson & Co./Hamilton Construction)