Master Pricing Agreement (MPA)

All Primes & Subs are Required to have a MPA with CDOT in order to be awarded a contract or to work on a CDOT project. Renewal of MPA - It is the consultant's responsibility to make certain that they renew their MPA annually. Please check your MPA approval date and make certain to submit the proper documentation to the CDOT Audit Division so that there is no lapse in your MPA approval. No new contracts can be awarded unless the Consultant has a current approved MPA. This folder contains the process for Obtaining a Master Pricing Agreement with CDOT and related forms and documents that will assist you in making your MPA application. Note: Please keep in mind that a consultant cannot be reimbursed for any employee hours worked unless they have: 1) Been listed on Consultant's MPA and 2) Received prior approval from the CDOT PM. Please see EC-001 for details. State Fiscal Rules does not allow for retroactive (approval) payment. Approvals must be obtained prior to an employee working.

Financial Qualification Brochure - MPA

Updated 02/16/24: The Financial Qualification Brochure will assist a consultant in filing its Financial Qualification Package to obtain or renew a Master Pricing Agreement (MPA) with the CDOT Audit Division, which includes completing the fillable forms provided below. The Audit Division does not accept hard copies, please email the Financial Qualification Package to [email protected]. Please include the firm's name and type of MPA review being requested in the email subject line as follows: Company Name - MPA Review or Company Name - DSR Review or Company Name - ICR Review or Company name - Fee Schedule Review.

Document Checklist & Revenue Certification (Fillable Form)

This form provides checklists of required documentation based on the type of MPA review being requested and includes a section on the consultant's revenue. The consultant certifies that all required documentation has been provided, the form has been completed in its entirety, and the information being provided is complete and accurate.

Indirect Cost Rate Certification (Fillable Form)

The consultant certifies that its indirect cost rate was calculated in accordance with applicable cost principles contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulations, 48 CFR Part 31.

Employee Listing Form (Fee Schedule Consultants) | Microsoft Excel Document

This form requires Microsoft Excel. It is to be used only when the Audit Division has granted a firm an exception from having an indirect cost rate. To aid a firm in completing the form, the file includes instructions and an example on separate tabs. Please ensure that you list employees alphabetically as Last Name, First Name.

Employee Listing (ICR & FCCM Rated) | Microsoft Excel Document

This form requires Microsoft Excel. This form is to be used when a firm has an indirect cost rate(s) and if applicable, a facilities capital cost of money rate (s) (FCCM). To aid a firm in completing the form, the file includes instructions and examples on separate tabs. Please ensure you list employees alphabetically as Last Name, First Name.

Standard A&E Firms Job Classifications

Updated 02/16/24: All consultants are required to align their employee's job classifications with CDOT's standard Job Classifications. This will expedite and simplify the MPA and Add-Employee review processes as well as minimize job classification errors.

AASHTO's Internal Control Questionnaire - 2016 | Microsoft Word Document

This form requires Microsoft Word. This form serves as a report on a consultant's internal controls, payroll/job costing/accounting systems, and certain policies and procedures. Please note this is an AASHTO document not a CDOT document.

Add Employees to Consultant MPA

Process to add employees or obtain employee promotions to a Consultants MPA once issued. Please keep in mind that a consultant cannot be reimbursed for any employee hours worked unless they have: 1) Been listed on Consultant's MPA and 2) Received PRIOR approval from the CDOT PM. Please see EC-001 for details. State Fiscal Rules does not allow for retroactive (approval) payment. Approvals must be obtained prior to an employee working. Please go to EC-001 for procedures.

List of Consultant's with Active MPA's

The attached file represents the current list of active consultant MPA's with their approval dates. The Consultant should make certain that they apply for their MPA or Option letter as instructed by CDOT's Financial Qualification Brochure (check the tab on your left) on an annual basis. CDOT's policy is that unless the consultant has a currently approved MPA/Option Letter they will not be eligible to be awarded any new contracts nor can any new task orders be written. This applies to both Primes and Sub consultant's. Note: This list is updated monthly. If you have any questions please contact [email protected]