
Sustainability at CDOT

As part of CDOT's mission to "provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information," CDOT's Sustainability Program is committed to developing and supporting a sustainable organization and transportation system. While providing an effective and safe multi-modal transportation system and organization, CDOT will (with the support of the CDOT Sustainability Council):

  • Strive to reduce its emissions, waste, energy use and water consumption to preserve and enhance human, environmental and fiscal health.
  • Maximize and promote efficient resource use, reuse, recycling and repurposing.

All CDOT employees and those working with CDOT are encouraged to become acquainted with and implement the strategies outlined in the CDOT Sustainability Program. CDOT will continue to comply with state requirements, continue to improve its environmental performance and endeavor to be a leader in sustainable efforts. See a complete introduction to Sustainability at CDOT.

The Sustainability Action Plan and supporting documents act as multi-divisional resources disseminating ideas, providing information, and providing direction for the encouragement and implementation of sustainable actions throughout CDOT. Staff can use the Sustainability Action Plan and supporting documents to understand and identify sustainability strategic goals and sustainability performance goals with regards to CDOT focus areas (facilities, planning, project development, construction and maintenance) as they become available.

The CDOT Sustainability Program web page houses all CDOT sustainability-related information, guidance and other resources.

Read the Colorado Climate Action Plan.