2050 Statewide Transportation Plan The process to develop the 2050 Statewide Transportation Plan has just started.Learn how to join the conversation. Statewide Plan Survey Coming Soon Get Involved We need your input! Check out upcoming meetings and opportunities to give feedback to the state and regional transportation plans. Upcoming Meetings & Opportunities 10-YearVision CDOT’s 10-Year Vision for high-priority transportation projects will advance transportation safety, fix our roads, and sustainably increase transportation choice. Read the Updated 10-Year Plan 2045 Statewide & Regional Transportation Plans CDOT's long-term plan for the state's transportation system happens at the state and regional level. Access Statewide & Regional Plans Statewide Transit Plan Regional Transportation and Transit Plan ModalIntegration Learn about the key planning areas that inform the long-range Statewide Transportation Plan and 10-Year Vision. Other Modal Plans Active Transportation Plan Strategic Highway Safety Plan Freight Plan Asset Management National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan Accountability Dashboard Explore the status and funding of CDOT's 10-Year Plan program of projects. Accountability Dashboard