Segment 5 |Mead (CO 66) to Berthoud (CO 56), CDOT has identified approximately $100M in funding. Additionally, CDOT is reinvesting the toll revenue from Segments 6, 7, 8 to procure a loan that will pay for the remaining cost to complete this segment of I-25, which is the last remaining section of a two-lane interstate between Denver and Ft. Collins.
Segment 6 | Berthoud (CO 56) to Johnstown (CO 402), the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization, with support from CDOT, was awarded a $20 million Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development grant by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The total project cost is approximately $305M and is fully funded, which include costs for design, right of way, utility relocation, and construction. Please see the below breakdown of the project funds:

Segment 7&8 | Johnstown (CO 402) and Fort Collins (Mulberry), the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded CDOT and local partners a $15 million TIGER grant, assisting them in funding this $302 million expansion of North I-25. The project is supported by all of the communities and counties served by this corridor who have contributed significant funds for the original project scope, totaling more than $25 million, and as much as $28 million in other additional project scope improvements.
In 2019, the Colorado Transportation Commission allocated $250 million in additional funds from SB267, allowing CDOT to achieve phase one of the preferred solution. Without these additional funds, this stretch would not have happened until 2035. With local support, direction from state officials and federal representatives, and the TIGER grant, a portion of the project will be substantially complete in late 2023. By delivering the project to the community earlier than outlined in the CDOT 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan, the benefits will be implemented at least 14 years earlier at a fraction of the cost.
Work operations quantities and cost on the I-25 North Express Lanes Project by year-end of 2022.