Colorado Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit | Study/Design Phase

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), in collaboration with the Regional Transportation District, the City and County of Denver, Arapahoe County, and the City of Glendale is working on a planning study to improve travel on parts of Colorado Boulevard through Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service in the area between I-70 and the Southmoor transit station south of Hampden Avenue.

BRT provides high-quality transit service by combining the capacity and efficiency of light rail with the flexibility, cost and simplicity of bus service.

As part of the CDOT Urban Arterials Program, which aims to enhance safety and accessibility along urban arterials within the Denver metropolitan area, the Colorado Boulevard Corridor Plan presents the efforts to re-envision Colorado Boulevard from Hampden Avenue (US 285) to 52nd Avenue. Review the plan here.

Schedule & Important Dates

  • More information coming soon
Colorado Boulevard BRT Project Map
Colorado Boulevard BRT Project Map. The study area spans between I-70 and the Southmoor transit station south of Hampden Avenue, with BRT improvements being planned along some parts of this corridor.

Colorado Boulevard is a state highway and commercial corridor connecting people to jobs, schools, health care, shopping, restaurants, recreational destinations, and many other key destinations. Colorado Boulevard is the only major arterial on the city's east side that moves people between the northern and southern boundaries of Denver and connects to Glendale. It is a backbone of activity for both Denver and Glendale, but can be a difficult street to travel by any means other than a car.

Over the last century, Colorado Boulevard has evolved to move high levels of daily traffic as efficiently as possible. This has resulted in a busy and congested corridor that doesn’t work well for all road users. Colorado Boulevard is a part of Denver's high-injury network for traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.

CDOT's 10-Year Plan identifies Colorado’s transportation priorities based on input from residents across the state. The current plan includes funding for several new BRT routes to help increase transit options for commuters along the Front Range. The Colorado Boulevard BRT Project will help achieve the following goals established in CDOT’s 10-Year Plan:

  • Safety – Reduce deaths and serious injuries to zero
  • Resilience – Keep our roads functional and open in the face of unexpected events and challenges
  • Fix it First – Prioritize improving the condition of our existing system
  •  Multimodal – Improve access to travel options beyond the single-occupant vehicles

Spring/Summer 2024:
Analyze existing conditions and obtain corridor feedback from stakeholders.

Summer/Fall 2024:
Develop draft alternatives, obtain stakeholder feedback on evaluation criteria for screening alternatives, and evaluate different project alternatives.

Winter 2024/Spring 2025:
Determine the preferred alternative, obtain stakeholder feedback on the preferred alternative, and prepare design documentation for the preferred alternative and determination of NEPA Class of Action.

Spring 2025/Spring 2026:
Complete 30% design documents and submittal of all NEPA documentation, and continue stakeholder outreach on the NEPA process and development of 30% design.