Bike and Pedestrian Facilities
Bikeway and Pedestrian Corridor Recommendations
Colorado State Highway 7 (CO 7), between the City of Brighton (US 85) and the City of Boulder (28th Street), is a rapidly growing and increasingly congested part of the northwest region. Current corridor conditions often do not provide a consistent and comfortable bicycle and pedestrian experience. To address that concern, the CO 7 Coalition, along with RTD and CDOT, is planning a series of multimodal transportation improvements along the entire corridor, which will focus on the following:
- Improving regional connectivity and mobility
- Providing a comfortable bicycle and pedestrian experience
- Improving safety, multimodal access, and creating faster and more reliable travel times

Ultimate Bicycle Facility Recommendation
The ultimate recommendation for the entire corridor is an off-street shared use path in both directions. A bikeable shoulder has also been identified as a near-term (before the ultimate facility is implemented) or supplemental recommendation in some areas. The details of the ultimate bicycle facility will likely be modified as specific locations move into final design.
This view represents the ultimate corridor recommendation for along CO 7 with an off-street shared use path in both directions. Near-term improvements may still exist until project funding and right-of-way is available to construct the ultimate condition.
Near-Term and/or Supplemental Recommendations
Since the ultimate recommendation may not always be possible to construct given design constraints such as limited ROW, near-term and/or supplemental recommendations have been made as well and include: bikeable shoulder (in rural areas), one-way protected bike lane (in sections of Boulder) and bicycle boulevard (for a small stretch in Lafayette just south of CO 7 on Geneseo Street).
Example of supplemental recommendation. Bikeable shoulder that may be considered in some locations.
CO 7 Segments A-B Bike Connectivity Map